What You Need To Know About Adderall Addiction
For years, Adderall has been one of the go-to drugs to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It’s often prescribed to help children stay focused or for certain sleeping disorders. But when Adderall is used outside a doctor's supervision, this drug can become an addictive stimulant. Unfortunately, once addiction sets in, it may take drug detox and rehab to end dependence.
How can you tell if someone is addicted to Adderall? Read on and find out.
What Exactly Is Adderall?
Adderall is a combination of two ingredients: amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. These stimulants increase levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, which improves focus and reduces impulsivity. Over 41 million prescriptions of Adderall and generic equivalents were prescribed in 2020, according to the data analytics company IQVIA.
While it is known to help students focus, it can also generate a “high” similar to that of speed. Adderall is often used without a prescription by college students because they convince themselves that the drug helps with hyper-focusing. They’ll use the stimulant to help them pull an “all-nighter” or complete a paper in record time. It may also be used inappropriately as a weight-loss supplement as it can suppress appetite.
Going Down The Road of Adderall Addiction
There are plenty of risks involved in taking stimulants. Since Adderall is a medication with legitimate uses, people may think they aren’t doing anything wrong, even when taking an improper amount or using it without a prescription.
If there is a predisposition to addictive behavior, the chances of experiencing a problem escalate dramatically. The challenge is trying to figure out if this predisposition exists. There aren’t simple medical tests for addiction, and friends and family members may miss the warning signs. Checking for family history may help, but substance use problems often won’t be properly documented.
Problems with an Adderall Addiction
Adderall is an exceptionally addictive substance, so strict adherence to a prescription is necessary. You might notice those with an Adderall addiction because they display some of these common symptoms when not actively using the drug:
Difficult sleeping
Uncontrollable leg or hand movement
Dry mouth
Weight loss or malnutrition
To stop these feelings, people may start using Adderall more frequently. That’s because the “high” from the increased dopamine gets harder and harder to maintain. Once more, Adderall is needed for a high, problems really start snowballing. Withdrawal symptoms start becoming more severe, and people may also run the risk of fast heart rates, seizures, or blistering skin. Sometimes people will crush Adderall into a powder and snort the substance to get its perceived benefits more quickly, but that can also exacerbate side effects.
Because of the withdrawal symptoms, cutting off the addiction to Adderall isn’t necessarily an easy process. Many people have the greatest success when they start with a medical detox program so the stimulant can exit the body safely. Then aftercare can range from inpatient rehab or outpatient services depending on your individual needs.
Get Help With Adderall Addiction Today
If you or a loved one is dealing with Adderall addiction, Sunrise Detox is here to help. We will make sure you taper off Adderall safely and will guide you to the next phase of your recovery. Contact us today at 888-443-3869 or send in the form on this page to get the support you need.