Understanding The Challenges Of Holidays And Recovery
Holidays can be difficult for many people, especially those in recovery from addiction. Alcohol will more often than not be present at work, family, and social functions. Whether or not you attend an event is a personal decision, and what’s right for one person may not be right for another. If you’re struggling to figure out what to do, take a moment to gain some insight on holidays and recovery.
Are You Able To Avoid Drinking At A Party?
An invaluable resource for many suffering from substance use, Alcoholics Anonymous discusses how a person in recovery may navigate a social life outside of their support group if they are spiritually fit. While the temptation to use may not be there for people who have completed the steps or who are further along in their recovery, that might not be the case for others.
Determining whether you are “spiritually fit” can be tricky and some may put themselves in situations they aren’t ready for. Are you able to avoid drinking at a party? That question may be harder to answer than you think.
Check Your Motives
Why do you want to go to the party? Do you simply want to enjoy the holiday season by being around friends and family? Are you trying to relive your past life by being around people who are drinking? Check your motives and be honest with yourself. If you’re involved in a 12-step or rehab program, you might find it helpful to discuss with your sponsor or peer support group.
You might find that being around people who are drinking doesn’t bother you at all. On the other hand, if you haven’t worked the steps or have only recently started a rehab program, it may be too much for you to handle. In the end, the decision is ultimately yours. Only you know your true motives for attending.
Have An Exit Strategy
If you go to a holiday party where you know alcohol will be served, it’s always smart to have an exit strategy. There may be one or two overzealous revelers who are intent on getting you to drink. In most cases, they won't push the issue if you tell someone you aren’t interested. However, that might not always be the case. Aside from the temptation to use, this situation can simply be frustrating and annoying. You don’t have to subject yourself to this.
If you decide to go to a holiday party, make sure your motives are in the right place. Be honest with yourself. Don’t put yourself in a situation that could lead to a relapse
When Holidays And Addiction Are Too Much, Get Help Today
There’s no question that holidays and addiction are tough to handle as the temptation to drink is seemingly everywhere. If you’re struggling or have suffered a relapse, know that help is available. Sunrise Detox Center is here for you. Call 888-443-3869 today to get the help you need.